Hello! こんにちは
Hello. My name is MACROMANCE. I live in Tokyo, Japan. I have jazz records. I sometimes DJ. I am not very good at public speaking. I don't drink alcohol. I like music, ice cream and donuts. I also like hats and glasses. If we meet somewhere, let's listen to jazz together.
MACROMANCE is a cult multi-artist with several faces. Although his activities are multifaceted, he has been closely associated with music throughout his life, and is known to have worked as a musician in the post-punk field based in London in the 1980s. In recent years, he has been known as a jazz DJ, appearing in Tokyo's night scene, and while playing as a DJ, he also directs music for apparel brands and hair salons, etc. In 2019, he will resume his overseas music career as a solo artist "KOTA®," touring Europe, playing in 18 cities including the UK, France, Germany, Italy, etc. In 2020, he was the only Japanese artist to perform at the CRUEL WORLD FESTIVAL (ROSE BOWL STUDIAM/CALIFORNIA), a post-punk/new wave festival that has attracted attention for its appearances by P.I.L, Blondie, Morrissey, Damned, and others.
He is also a café owner, and his Tokyo store, Pousse Café, opened in 1993, is still in operation today. (The store celebrated its 30th anniversary by establishing a new record label in the summer of 2023.) In the past, he developed the unique art space "DADATHEQUE" (Denenchofu). As a bartender, he has supervised numerous cocktail books and styled cocktails for photo shoots, and at one time was the chief bartender at parties and events for high luxury brands such as Hermes and Gucci.
Born in Tokyo in 1965. In his private life, he enjoys active hobbies such as kickboxing, surfing, and wilderness exploration. He is a pesco vegetarian who does not eat meat. He also does not consume alcohol.
マックロマンスはいくつもの顔を持つカルトなマルチ・アーティスト。活動内容は多義に渡るが、生涯を通して音楽と縁が深く、80年代、ロンドンを拠点にポストパンクのフィールドでミュージシャンとして活動していたことが知られている。近年はジャズDJを名乗り、東京のナイトシーンに出没。DJとしてプレイする傍ら、アパレルブランドやヘアサロンなどの音楽演出を担当。2019年には、ソロ・アーティスト「KOTA®」として海外での音楽活動を再開、ヨーロッパツアーでは英仏独伊など18の都市でプレイした。2020年にはP.I.L、ブロンディー、モリッシー、ダムドなどが出演したことで話題となったポストパンク/NEW WAVEの祭典「CRUEL WORLD FESTIVAL」(ROSE BOWL STUDIAM/CALIFORNIA)にただひとりの日本人アーティストとして出演、2024年5月世界最大のダークウェイブのフェスティバル「Wave Gotik Treffen」(ライプツィヒ/ドイツ)に出演。
1965年、東京生まれ プライベートではキックボクシング、サーフィン、荒地開拓などアクティブな趣味を持つ。肉を食さないペスコベジタリアン。アルコールも摂取しない。